12U Boys & 12U Girls12U boys - 6:00 on Thursdays
12U girls - 6:00 on Fridays
The 12U players are assigned to teams of about 10-12, with one or two coaches. Each team can have up to four practices in the two weeks leading up to the start of the fall and spring season. Once the season starts, teams practice once a week for an hour to an hour and a half. The practice day, time, and location are up to each coach. Games last about one hour and are played 9 v 9 including goalie. 12U boys teams are asked to each bring a goal from the fence line to the fields, and 12U girls teams are asked to return the goals after the games each week.
Each team will have a week of concession duty in the fall and in the spring. We ask for 3 volunteers per team. Volunteers must be at least age 14.
The registration fee includes a uniform - shirt, shorts, and socks. All players MUST wear shin guards. Cleats are recommended. Long hair should be secured out of the face. Players need a size 4 soccer ball.
AYSO is an entirely volunteer-run organization. Please consider how you could be involved. Volunteer information is available